Script Writing

Writing services for business videos, non-profits, municipal, public service announcements and organizations that have a vision for a video, but need help bringing it to life. We work closely with you and your production team to ensure your script is engaging and appropriate for your audience and your video budget.


Telling Stories


PSA’s & Dialogue Scripts

Public Service Announcements can take many forms. Typically, they have a strong message to persuade an audience. The EVP Team typically takes a three step approach to PSA’s, but each individual production can be tailored to meet your specific needs. We first focus on a strong introduction where we capture your audience from the start and make sure they are paying attention. Next, we want to show a scenario that can reach their emotional connection with the topic. Finally, we like to bring it to reality and show someone that has been affected by the topic. We can customize your plan by taking any or all of these methods and creating a piece that speaks to your audience. Lengths can vary depending on the use. Our main goal is to create compelling content that will reach and engage your audience.


Educational & Informative Videos

An educational video script has a completely different perspective than a PSA. Typically, the emotion is removed, and pertinent information needs to be reinforced. However, some emotion is always necessary to hook the viewer and ensure their engagement throughout. The EVP team takes time to research your topic, understand your company and write in a way that speaks to your audience. Some approaches in this type of writing include fictional scripted scenes (based in reality), interviews with experts, bullet-point voice-over presentations, and an on-camera spokesperson.


Promotional Videos

Promotional videos are the most common videos people see on a daily basis. These are commercials that can run on websites, social media & more. They can vary in length but typically run :30 to 3 minutes. Longer videos can be broken up into shorter segments to keep viewers attention. Each video is well researched and planned according to the target audience, intended usage and budget of the client.

All scripts are written in a way that is natural. Our team has many years of experience in television and theatre and has experience speaking to most ages and demographics. We always run our scripts by someone of the correct demographic prior to production (for example, if the script is aimed at teenagers, we have teens read it to make sure we are speaking their language). It is important when approaching difficult topics to ensure that the script is appropriate and relevant.